Description: This 2 Day Workshop offers the opportunity to learn and or re-fine the Cold Wax/Oil, basics techniques, but more importantly the relevance of line, shape, texture and color while abstract painting… We will look at soft-edge vs hard-edge implementation and how geometric shapes can be arranged in nonrepresentational spaces and bring up ideas or “real life,” which is often called constructive or concrete art.
Cost $495.00 Tax & materials included
The first day we cover the basics: Mark-making for structure and expression, color mixing, substrate preparation, tools and paint applications, the foundational layers, texture, collage significance and placement, the stages of dryness, working wet-in-wet, mechanical and solvent reductions and finally the best practices for finishing your work.
On the second day the focus will be on abstraction, simplification and constraint, (simplicity is the philosophy and practice of creating only what is necessary within a work of art) keeping in mind that the fewer cues to objective reality there are, the more abstract we say it is.
There will be plenty of time for action-filled painting and personalized attention.
For class registration email request to
Workshop Requirements: Class size max. of five (5) people and three (3) min
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